Friday, July 9, 2010


the goods are up in the Zutter Zisters DT gallery!! and let me tell you Zutter isn't just for "MINIS" any more....especially since the release of the Distress it All!!!

I created this layout using AMAZING products from Creative Imaginations....Beloved Collection from IOD, which I was so blessed to win, and CI's OOOHHHH SO FABULOUS Canvas Paper.

I know...I know...I'm working "dark" again but the papers where just perfect with my daughters brown jacket!!

I also used the June Challenge Sketch over at Creative Imagination!!

The "FLOWER" is made with the Canvas Paper that has been "MISTED" with my Distress Reinker Mixtures. It is a simple spiral flower....and the manipulation process was oooooh so fun. The leaves are cut from paper and accented with Distress Stickles!

DO YOU you see those YUMMIE distressed edges...the papers....the photos....which could only be created using the one and only....AMAZING Distress It All!! and did you notice I used the Bind It All???  wrapped this brown twine from May Arts/

So like I said...Zutter isn't just for "MINIS" any more!!! And I'm lovin' it!!!


  1. what a cool idea!!! gorgeous lo!!

  2. my distrezz it all is supposed to be in today...ordered from my lls-- I am sooo excited. Got my papers and pics ready to go... now if I can just talk hubby into buying me the bind it all!!! I love that whole look-and the flower is fab!!

  3. cute, cute! Really liked your tutorial. Would never have guessed it to be your first ;)

  4. WHAT an incredible page!!! I LOVE it all but especially the flowers and the zutter stuff!!! Fabulous inspiration thanks
