Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What to do....?????

So, I decided to take a few days off and head to my sisters.....for some family fun and shoppin' time!!! I chose to leave all my scrappin' stuff at home 'cause I had a bit of burnout goin' on!! WELL, I now sooner walked through the door and Sarah, my niece, wanted to know where my "stuff" was.

So come the next morning, my niece and I went shoppin'....got some "art supplies"...and a few new, couldn't live without scrappy items, some fabric for flowers and off to the house we went...to CREATE!

Aren't these masks just the cutest??!???! the frog was painted by my Lysie Ray....the monkey by yours truly and the princess by my UBER creative 6 year old niece...Sarah!!!

In fact, here she is modeling her AMAZING mask!! Isn't she just too cute....well all this painting got my juices going....but what to do....I DIDN'T HAVE ANY OF MY GOOODIES WITH ME....so what does one create with just a pair of scissors, a stapler and some white glue...now don't forget I did buy some...can't live without scrappy goodies....and on our shopping spree I also bought my niece some new acrylic stamps to add to her collection...and she does have a pad of Jet Black Archival ink!!! sssssssssooooooo HERE IT IS!!

I love this paper and how much fun is the fabric I used to created the flower....I wish it came in all different colors!!

Well, I need to pack up my stuff and head home...work is calling....I really don't want to listen or answer...but I gotta support my habit some how!!

Till we meet again.....CREATE...it's a great thought diverter!!!


  1. Love it Lynne, the masks are amazing!!! you go Sarah, what a cute little artist she is...you made that without any of your goodies...wow you are the QUEEN!!!!

  2. Pink??? hmmmmm not bad for someone who doesn't like pink. I LOVE IT!! and yes WORK IS CALLING!!! :-)
