Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Petaloo ~ CMC 'nd PanPastels


I have to admit......I was soooo scared/excited when I
heard about our cross promotion with Pan Pastel.
I've always been an "inky" kinda girl,
regardless of the for....with a few spritz's and splatters.
So to use a medium that was TOTALLY dry....OH MY!
I tried a little bit of this....
and a little bit of that....
and here is the end result.

I covered the face of a 4 x 4 Canvas
with Multi Medium and adhered
vintage dictionary pages.
I then pulled out a Brick Mask
and applied Magenta Shade
with smidges of Red with Oxide Tint
witht the Oval Sofft tool. 
I then used a Reverse Brick Mask
and applied Fiber Paste.
When it was dry,
I applied a bit of
Turquoise Shade with
the Oval Sofft tool....
rub gently as it will tear the cover.
I couldn't resist...
I had to spritz the canvas with
Copper ~ Luminarte Shimmering Mist!!

Now came the AWESOME PART...
The Color Me Crazy Flowers
and can I just say...
the Pan Pastels took to the flowers
like a duck to water!!!
I was able to blend the
colors effortlessly!!!
Look at the large Color Me Crazy flower....
I used
Magenta Shade in the crevises
and the back petals.
Then I highlighted the other petals
with Red with Oxide Tint
and Violet Tint.

How 'bout the Floral Asssortment and diecut leaves.....
I blended the Bright Yellow Green Shade
and Turquoise Shade to add depth.

Hope you enjoyed my journey outside of
my "Creative Box"!! Thank you PanPastel and Petaloo..
Can I just say....I liked it!!


  1. This looks so tactile Lynne - love the dictionary background. Your flowers really pop. Thank-you for all the deets. Nicola x

  2. It's beautiful!!! I still don't get how to use those Pan pastels? Do you just rub it on or use some sort of liquid like water? Hmmmmm, I think I need an uber-cool Lynne video!
    Hugs!!! Dee

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