Tuesday, December 23, 2014

....and New Traditions are born!

It's been one HECK of a Year....
Lots and Lots of CHANGES!

As I've been told....
Change is a necessary thing
All I can say is.....boy it is a hard thing.

Especially this Christmas!
No kids at home with their wish lists....

Pushing me to get a Christmas Tree and decorate....
To plan a Christmas Dinner
or to even do any of our USUAL holiday traditions...

As part of my fix....
I started new traditions....
I pulled out my Canvas Corp Tree Skirt...
that I've been pondering on for awhile now....
Red High Impact Paint,
A Paintbrush....
and a little boy...

He was a bit under the weather....dang teeth!
Don't think he knew what to think
of the red paint all over his feet...
but he was SUCH a trooper!
(He loves to humor his NeeNee!)

....and so a tradition has been born!

....marking his FIRST Christmas....

I am looking forward to watching
this tradition grow for my daughter
and her family!

PS.....popped him in the tub and
the paint came off like
a charm.....even the bit NeeNee
got on his head!
Need to keep up the messy crafter tradition!

Merry Christmas to ALL!!

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories 
and love of kindred, 
and we are better throughout the year for having, 
in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time. 
~Laura Ingalls Wilder


  1. Oh how sweet and wonderful new tradition you have created, so thrilling to see his little feet grow...hugs I know all to well about Christmas with no kids in the house to get the season started...enjoy your family...and new traditions my friend. Merry Christmas, Peg

  2. What a great idea with your tree skirt! I LOVE it!!
    Yep, change is inevitable .. we have to choose to hold on & love the highs with the lows, don't we? Yeehaw!
    Merry Christmas, dear friend ... MERRY Christmas! Love you!

  3. What a fabulous idea! This will be forever cherished. Merry Christmas!

  4. Wonderful idea, and what a darling fellow. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
