Friday, January 29, 2016

'TOVER Tag Series.....Day 3!!

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by my blog to check out
my 'TOVER Tag Series!

As I was unpacking the last of my studio boxes
(at least the ones in the house)
I came across a mini album I had created.....
it reads...

'TOVERS...things that at one time were
GREAT IDEAS only to be put aside
because they JUST DIDN'T FIT at that moment.
Then to be REVIVED at just the right time and place
......and are PERFECT!

Life is like that!
'cause one day
.......they will be PERFECT!

Here is my last tag in the series....

you can see one of the Petaloo blooms that
got caught in spray cross fire
and even sopped up a bit of color off my craft mat.

I did add a few UmWowSTUDIOS chippies...
they are the 'TOVERS from the
Distressed Harlequin Background.

I hope you have enjoyed my creative journey
with my 'TOVER'S!!
And that I have inspired you to pullout some of
your leftover pieces parts....
and give them new life!!

I challenge you to create using your 'TOVERS
and I would LOVE TO SEE
your creations.

All you have to do is enter a link
to your direct blog post
....if you don't have a blog
you can email me a picture of your creation
and you will be entered into a random drawing
for some creative 'TOVERS!

 (2) jars of Silks
(2) Twinks
(2) jars of Primary Elements
(1) jar of Bind and Resist
a 3 x 3 Canvas Corp Canvas
and a package of 
Petaloo Color Me Crazy flowers.

You have until February 12th to enter!!!

No rules except that you must include some type of 'TOVER in your creation!!
1. Autumn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, January 28, 2016

'TOVER'S Tag Series...Part ll

Howdy Peeps....
If you are poppin' by for the first time....
Make sure to check out the tag from yesterday!!

Today....I want to share the second tag I whipped up
as part of my 'TOVER'S Tag Series!

I had dipped this tag in the left over ink from yesterday's tag!
....never wasting a drop!

I also needed to check techniques
 I will be using an upcoming class.
Hence the UmWowSTUDIOS ~ Damaged Punchinella Background
colored with a mixture of Tattered Angels ~ Glimmer Glaze ~ Satchel
and Glimmer Mist ~ Roll Top Desk
.....LOVIN' the look!

The Petaloo blooms were already colored and matched PERFECTLY!!
I only had 2 ~ diecut ivy cut from a piece os
Tattered Angels ~ Pure Mistable Papers ~ Linen.
The leaves had been caught up in some "overspray"
so I pulled out a bottle of
Tattered Angels ~ Glimmer Glam ~ Lime Cordial
and painted the diecuts!

I had a bit of misc twine and lace
so I created a form of a "Loopy Bow"
to adorn my flower cluster!

Of course.....the tag had to say "SOMETHING"....
I scanned the pages of Tim Holtz ~ ChitChat stickers
and chose
"cherish, adore, love"

LOVE how the 'TOVER tag came together!!!

Have I inspired you to pull out your 'TOVER'S and
create something yet???

Pop on back on Friday for the last tag
in the series....and a little something
I have up my sleeve!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

'TOVER Tag Series......

Hello my friends.....
I don't know about you but.....
I HAVE TONS of leftover flowers!
Between my Petaloo Design Team Projects....
designing classes and just
creating stuff for the rest of my design teams
I have lots of 'TOVERS!
those pieces parts that just
didn't turn out the way I planned....or
got caught up in the overspray
or just didn't get put back in their package.

I throw them into a basket I have on my work table.

Here is some of the GOODNESS from my 'TOVERS basket!

You may or may not have noticed,
there are all kids of tags, cards and
other goodies that I put in my basket with
"extra" product on them
You know....the left over texture mediums or paints
or sprays left on my Craft Sheet or stencils....
can't waste that stuff now!

Here is a piece of Canvas Corp Brands ~ C Flute Kraft
that I applied various 'TOVER Perfect Paint Mediums
through stencils. I then cut them into pieces to
create tags from.

Here is where the fun begins.....
I wanted to break from my typical color palette and branch out a bit,
so I pulled out a few of my Tattered Angels ~ Glimmer Mist.

And let the fun begin.....
Here is the first tag I made.

I have been working on a flower cut out....
the Navy Blue flower is the product of my trials!
Still a few more tweeks needed.

In my 'TOVERS basket I had the buckram rolled flower
so, I colored it with Amethyst and Crushed Shells Glimmer Mist.

I pulled out one of my UmWowSTUDIOS chippies.....
Vintage Wire Birdcage.
With my fingers, I applied a bit of
Perfect Paints ~ Raw Silk ~ Polishing Plaster
to my birdcage.
I spritzed it with a bit of Roll Top Desk
and dabbed on a bit of Stardust Stickles.

If you know creations need to say something!!
I used Tim Holtz Chitchat stickers.....

A bit of vintage lace,
cheese cloth and twine and there you have the
first of three in my 'TOVER Tag Series.

What do you do with your 'TOVERS???

to see the second tag!!!

Friday, January 15, 2016

what do you do.....

when you mojo gets up and walks out the door??
That happened to me at the beginning of the new year....
there was so much going on....
sorting and packing my life,
dramatically downsizing my belongings...
then there were the holidays
and all that entails.
So when the new year rolled around I was
exhausted and spent!
I had not a creative cell in my body....
I just walked around my craft area,
as lost as last years easter egg!

I knew the only way to break my creative doldrums was
to......JUST CREATE!


I pulled out my art journal and just did it!

I had wanted to take step out photos but that never happened.

The thing about an art journal.....
is exploring the process!

I began by adhering various pieces of
vintage lace,
curtains and
cheese cloth to my pages using
watered down Perfect Paints ~ White Stucco
I LOVED the look and feel
but I have to say it took a lot of Stucco!

I then drew some random flowers and cut them out of

I pulled out a few bottles of Perfect Paints ~ Shimmering Matte Acrylic
and let the coloring begin!!

LOOK at all that YUMMMIE texture!

I then painted on a layer of 
When it was dry I created a mixture of equal amounts
I applied a layer of the above mixture
let it cure for a minute
then I wiped it off!

Before I adhered down the flowers with
Ranger Multi Medium Matte!
I pulled out a couple of 
The Crafter's Workshop Stencils
Beaded Curtain and
Kasia's Letters
and stenciled with
and a bit of Gesso.

Now in all truth....
this is not one of my favorite!
But it helped me break through to my creative mojo...
and things are just a flowing now!!

I finished off my pages with one of
Yvonne Blair's new stamps....
In each flower I wrote something I want to let go in 2016.

What do you do to jump start your mojo???

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Word of 2016

I don't know about you.....
but I don't find CHANGE to be an EASY THING....
in hindsight it usually is for the good....
but the path to get to the other side is not usually an easy one!

I decided I wanted to create
 a canvas to showcase my word....

I began by pulling out the things that I love and hoard....
Vintage paper and lace
stencils and
my paint and texture.

I adhered vintage sheet music to my canvas with 
Ranger's Multi Medium.
When dry, I pulled out
The Crafter's Workshop stencil ~ Tuscan Wall
When dry I applied a layer of 

While the glaze was drying I began constructing my heart.....

The patchwork heart was constructed of papers from the
I adhered various vintage laces over
a few of the heart pieces along with a bit of

When my canvas was dry, I applied a few layers of
Bright Gold
Aged Copper
and Cantaloupe.
Then, I adhered my heart with
Ranger Multi Medium ~ Matte.
I then used Faber Castell's Big Brush Pens to created
depth on and around the heart!

While sorting through my life....
I came across my stash of Tim Holtz Grungeboard!
The letters in the Nature ~ Plain collection were just PERFECT!

I smeared on layers of
edged with my Big Brush Pen and
adhered with Ranger's Multi Medium ~ Matte.

Now to accent my heart.....
a bit of chicken wire

I applied Perfect Paints ~ White Stucco over a
When dry, I painted with Perfect Paints ~ Spanish Moss
and once again used my Big Brush Pen to edge.

What better way to show change....
then a BUTTERFLY!!
I used one from UmWowStudio
and dabbed on various layers of paint!

What is your word for the new year???