but.....this is what I found when I opened my door Monday morning....we got over 16" of snow over night and into the morning
CRAZY...CRAZY...CRAZY!! So what does one do on such a day as that......CREATE is what I say...and what I did!!

Let's Capture Our Memories is having a "Twelve Days of Christmas" Challenge....this is day Eight....requirement... to use Chipboard....and hence the Snowman and one of the trees!!! Lysie wasn't too happy I used some of the photos I chose....but I found them on my memory card so guess what... FAIR GAME!!

For this layout, the Eleventh Day of Christmas, the requirement was 3 different ribbon/laces. I printed the "goofy" picture of Lysie....too funny she doesn't have a problem with this one....in B/W, Sepia and Color. I then cut the picture up and collaged it!! I LOVE THIS GIRL!!
As you can see, I am creating in NO PARTICULAR order.....which would be me!!! Counting the days till Friday when I will be able to get the rest of the creative ideas out of my head......YIPPEE!!
OK.....SO..... the new Paper Issues is up.....go check it out.
and MARK YOUR CALENDAR......January 5-January12....the Zutter Zisters are having a Blog Hop...you definitely won't want to miss this!! A GRAND PRIZE.....a Zutter Supply Pack...Owires, Covers, Cover-Alls and SURPRISES!! so MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!!
now thats what I call ....snow, not just a covering of the white stuff but up to your knees....have fun
Lynne I love your layouts, and what a beautiful daughter you have. Yes on that day of knee deep snowstorm, I stayed in and created to..that is such a great feeling...now tell Lisy she need to snap some more pics she is getting really good at it...
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